Monday, March 28, 2011

Flat LaKeisha comes to the Fish Party

We're having a fish party. I've never been to a fish party. I wonder what it will be like!  We're having a party because Kendrick and Rosalie got some fish.

Kendrick just got a fish. This is a betta. He named it guppy. 
Bettas like small areas of shallow water. They are really smart.
Rosalie got a new fish too.  Her fish is a guppy.
She named it Sam, like her dad.

Rosalie is making a play cake for the fish party.
Surprise!  Rosalie and Kendrick's
grandma brought a cake
to the fish party.

Grandma got a fish necklace that
Rosalie made.
I got a fish necklace
that Rosalie made too!

Kendrick lit the cake.

"Happy fish party to you...Happy fish party to you.."

We had jello too.
Rosalie and Kendrick made
 a fish bowl with blue jello and gummy fish.

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